Investment Management

Delegate management of your investment portfolio to an experienced professional.

There’s a lot of noise in the investment world nowadays. It’s arguably never been more difficult to separate fact from fiction; useful information from rubbish.

Pop culture and the media often portray investing as a get-rich-quick scheme; some kind of game or cosmic slot machine, where all you have to do is push the “right” button to quickly unlock vast riches.

But at it’s core, investing is simply a piece of your financial puzzle. A tool you can use to achieve your ultimate financial objectives.

Our approach to investing


Investing should by-and-large be boring. We believe in sticking to a disciplined strategy over the long haul. Slow and steady wins the race.


The process of dividing your money among different types of investments - like stocks, bonds, and cash (and different sub-types of stocks, bonds, etc.) - to reduce risk. In finance jargon, this is called “asset allocation” but in practical terms think about it as not putting all your eggs in one basket.


Being sensitive to the tax effects of investing. Less taxes equals more money staying invested over time, all things being equal.

Focus on the things you can control

Generally speaking, you have more control over things like how much you’re saving (and spending); your investment strategy; and your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors around money.

What you have less control over, typically, is the economy, the stock market, and everything else going on in the world.

Types of investment accounts we can help you with

  • Traditional, Roth, and Inherited IRAs

  • We can review, analyze, and help you maximize employer-based retirement accounts such as:

    • 401(k)

    • 403(b)

    • TSP

    • 457s

    • Deferred comp plans

  • A brokerage account in which you pay taxes each year on investment income such as interest, dividends, and capital gains.

    For simplicity’s sake, we refer to these as “non-retirement” accounts because they don’t have the same rules as retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401(k)s.

  • SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, or Solo 401(k)s

    A potential game-changer for anyone who is self-employed or a small business owner!

  • Stock options, restricted stock, employee stock purchase plans.

    We have experience helping people with their employer stock plans, and laying down a game plan to handle the tax and cash flow implications.

  • Revocable and/or Irrevocable Trusts

  • Donor Advised Funds

  • 529 college savings accounts and UTMAs

Get a second opinion on your investment strategy

Why hire a financial advisor to help manage your investments?

While we think it’s worthwhile to hire a financial advisor to help you with your investment portfolio, don’t just take it from us.

According to research by Vanguard - a pioneer in low cost, DIY investing - financial advisors can potentially add upwards of +3.00% in net long-term returns for their clients, possibly even more.


It’s less about “picking stocks”, and more about applying a combination of tax-savvy, cost-effective strategies and helping you stick with the game plan over the long-haul.

“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas. ”

— Paul Samuelson