Retirement Planning

Expert advice on transitioning your finances to the next phase of life.

Enter retirement with a pep in your step.

The point of a retirement plan is to help you become confident and clear-eyed about your future, empowering you to live your golden years to the fullest.

Our personalized retirement planning process is designed to address three key questions:

  1. Are you on track to retire when you want?

  2. If not, what do you need to do (or not do) to get there?

  3. If you are on track, are there any potential blind spots or contingencies to plan for?

Start your retirement plan today!

How we help you prepare for retirement (and stay retired)

  • Going from collecting a steady paycheck to all of a sudden living off your life’s savings is a shock for most people.

    We can help you generate an income stream from your retirement assets to make this transition as smooth as possible.

  • What should you do with your employer retirement account once you retire…roll it over to an IRA, leave it put, cash it out…?

    We’ll help you understand the pros and cons of each option, and come up with a plan that works for you!

  • Social Security plays an important role in virtually all retirement plans, especially so for married couples.

    Let us help you figure out the ideal age to start collecting benefits.

  • Develop an investment strategy that is built to provide for your needs, wants and goals today, but that also accounts for a retirement that may last decades.

  • You might have a higher tax bracket in retirement than you did during your working years.

    Work with us to proactively plan around taxes throughout the year, to avoid surprises and to help you keep more of your hard-earned money.

  • Giving back is one of Impact Financial’s core values.

    Explore tax-efficient charitable giving strategies to maximize the good work you’re doing.

  • Want to leave a legacy to your loved ones or an organization you’re passionate about?

    Work with an advisor who understands your ultimate wishes, and helps you manage your finances in a way that accomplishes these objectives.

“You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”

— George Bernard Shaw