Financial Planning

Partner with a CPA + CFP® professional to get your financial house in order.

News flash.

“Financial Planning” is a buzzword.

What does it even mean?

Look at a dozen different financial advisors’ websites and they’ll all pretty much say the same thing (along with pictures of quaint lighthouses and a smiling older couple on a sailboat):

“A comprehensive analysis of your entire financial picture to help you…” yadda yadda yadda

Let’s get real.

What people want to achieve from financial planning is clarity on their financial situation.

But all too often the end result is more confusion and frustration than before they started. 😑

So maybe it’s best to first explain what financial planning is not (at least here at Impact Financial, that is).

What financial planning is not

  • Financial planning is not a 100 page report with complicated charts and graphs. You probably have enough boring “business-y” things to read already.

  • Financial planning is not a one-time experience. Life changes constantly. Marriages, births, deaths, job changes, and so on. As life changes, the way you handle your money will probably need to change, too.

  • Financial planning is not a magic elixir that will solve all your problems right away (something about Rome not being built in a day...).

picture of a guy screaming

Our approach to financial planning


No boring, static 100 page reports.

Understand your money like never before, with our user-friendly digital tools that help you visualize your progress and show you step-by-step how to maintain or improve your financial outlook.


You wouldn’t see a cardiologist for a broken foot. Likewise, financial advice for a single 25 year old won’t be the same as for a 55 year old couple with two kids and a dog.

Our financial planning process is tailored to your specific circumstances, needs, and wants. That’s why we spend so much time getting to know you before we make any recommendations - so we can provide relevant advice.


A financial plan is meaningless at the end of the day if no action is taken. It’s like your doctor prescribing medication, but you never go to the pharmacy to pick it up.

Think of us as your financial coach. We’re here to keep you motivated and on track.


Life is about trade-offs. You may not be able to max out your 401(k), super fund your toddler’s college 529, and tuck away money for that dream vacation all at the same time. And that’s ok.

Let’s outline a plan that prioritizes and optimizes what’s most important to you.

How we can help

Some things are hard to quantify. Here are a few ways we can help which don’t involve dollars and cents.

  • If you don’t know where to start, or what your goals even should be…you’re not alone.

    One of the first things we’ll help you do is clarify and conceptualize your financial goals. Brainstorming and just talking out loud can be a simple but effective exercise.

  • Bank accounts and old 401(k)s all over the place? You’d be surprised just how powerful it is to get your financial affairs tidied-up and catalogued.

    We’re here to help you do the “spring cleaning” you’ve been putting off for months (or maybe years!).

  • Save more? Pay down debt? Change up your investment strategy? Start a college fund for Junior?

    Some things are more important (and time sensitive) than others. Let us help you figure out which things to do first.

  • Sometimes you need a buddy to help keep you on track, to give you that extra push.

    Life happens, things fall through the cracks, or procrastination takes hold.

    We are here to help make sure stuff gets done!

But for all you “numbers” folks, here are the tangible ways in which we help you with your money.

  • Just because you’re self-employed doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.

    Those who are self-employed can often benefit from unique planning strategies that boost retirement savings and cut down your tax bill at the same time.

  • Need help budgeting?

    Should you pay off your mortgage early?

    Credit cards or student loans hanging over your head?

    We'll help you come up with a smart (and realistic) gameplan on how to budget and handle debt.

  • From how to save for your kids’ or grandkids’ college, to managing student loans - we can help you plan for your higher education needs.

  • Are you getting the most out of all the benefits offered by your employer?

    Retirement savings plans, stock plans, insurance, etc…

    We’ll help you review your benefits package and choose the perks that are right for you.

  • Death is an inevitable fact of life. Estate planning is the process of formally documenting your final wishes.

    While we do not prepare estate documents (we’re not lawyers), think of us as the “quarterback” who helps ensure you have these documents and that your assets are managed in a way that is sympatico with them.

  • Protect what you’ve built, or are trying to build, by having the proper insurance policies in place, such as life, home, auto, health, and disability.

    We don’t sell insurance. So when we review your insurance policies it’s to analyze whether you have enough (and the right kinds) - not that we’re going after a fat commission check.

  • An investment portfolio plays an key role in your overall financial plan. Cut through the noise and develop an investment strategy that works to achieve your goals.

    Even if we aren’t managing your investment portfolio, we’ll review your accounts and ensure everything is running smoothly under the hood.

  • Helping you understand, quantify, and plan around major risks that could potentially derail your financial picture.

  • Savvy, forward-thinking strategies to help you keep more of your hard-earned dough.

What are you waiting for?

Psst….here’s the ‘TLDR’ version of how we do financial planning

a simplified flowchart of the financial planning process

“It’s the good adviiiiiiiiiice that you just didn’t take.”

— Alanis Morissette, Ironic

(don’t let this be you)